
New pictures!!!

I think Bella's room.
Bella's house...I'm guessing.

1st Beach!!!

News on Twilight trailer!!

The 'teaser trailer' for Twilight will premiere online this week!!!
Summit Entertainment is releasing the full trailer for Twilight in the commercials for Speed Racer.
Speed Racer comes out May 9th.


Just Scream!

And of course I will have updates on the Twilight movie. So if you don't feel like going to MTV just come here and I will have the latest videos and blogs on what's going on at the Twilight set!!!

G4 invades Twilight set!

interview with Catherine Harwicke




Twilights don't have to apologize for being obsessed with fictional characters!

I LOVE this! **See MTV video with pic of Nikki (Rosalie) looking pissed.

Twilight spidermonkey2


This is totally amazing information!!!

Stephenie on the set

This is me with the humans—who don't get enough love—and director Catherine Hardwicke in the "Forks" high school cafeteria. I got to watch the filming of several key lunch scenes, and see how amazingly well the actors were portraying those human characters. Watching them be Mike and Eric and Jessica and Angela and Tyler made it feel strangely like it all might just be real—which was a crazy feeling. So the humans get two thumbs up from me. And Greg (Tyler) wants us all to know that Bella would definitely choose a guy with an awesome van over some vampire.

Funny story: on April first, I got to watch as they shot Bella's first scene in the hospital (after the above mentioned van careened into her) with Charlie (Billy Burke) and Carlisle (Peter Facinelli). Between takes, Peter came back to the monitors where I was hanging out with Nikki Reed (Rosalie), and producers Greg Mooradian and Gillian Bohrer. Nikki and I were talking about how Kellan Lutz (Emmett) kept eating during the Cullen's cafeteria scenes (Kellan is always hungry) and how the editors would have to cut around that. Greg asked the question many of you have asked: what happens to food eaten by a vampire? (He referenced the infamous bite of pizza Edward takes in the book.) I explained the icky truth—they eventually have to cough it back up. Peter was listening to all of this very quietly, and then he and I had the following conversation (I'm paraphrasing, because I don't have a vampire's perfect recall):

PETER: So vampires would never eat food, unless they are trying to fool humans? They would never eat at home?

ME: No, of course not.


ME: Why do you ask?

PETER: Well...when we were filming one of the scenes in the Cullen house, Esme brought me a bowl of Raisin Bran. I was eating it through the whole scene. I don't think they could cut around it, because I was chewing through some of my lines... I guess that wouldn't make a ton of sense for Carlisle to do, though, would it?

ME: (slightly panicky) Er, no. It really wouldn't.

PETER: Oh, well.


PETER: And also, April Fool's.

(The part I can't covey here is how convincing he was. Peter is, after all, an excellent actor. He got Kristen/Bella at dinner, too, so I wasn't the only one.)

6 fun facts from the set:

1) While watching the playback from a very intense scene with Bella and Edward, the girl next to me literally slid right out of her chair—I think her bones melted. She also may have stopped breathing for a few seconds, too. I know I did.

2) Mike Welch can dance.

3) Hugging Kellan Lutz is the closest you can get to hugging a vampire; he is made of granite. (But please do not try to hug Kellan without his permission. Thank you.)

4) Portland is too cold. For anyone. But especially for Arizonans.

5) Jackson Rathbone can really play the guitar. Our taste in music is not exactly the same, but we found common ground with Radiohead's Creep, with which he then serenaded me.

6) As you might guess, I do a lot of internal swooning on the set. However, I have an excellent poker face.

To conclude, I would like to make a few comments about Rob and Kristen, who are the true heart of this movie. First, they are both amazing actors. Second, they are channeling Edward and Bella like nobody's business. Third, you might want to bring a paper bag to the movie, because their on-screen chemistry may cause hyperventilation. That is all.




Twilight Movie Cast List
Character Name Actor/Actress
Bella Kristen Stewart
Edward Robert Pattinson
Charlie Billy Burke
Alice Ashley Greene
Rosalie Nikki Reed
Jasper Jackson Rathbone
Emmett Kellan Lutz
Carlisle Peter Facinelli
James Cam Gigandet
Jacob Black Taylor Lautner
Jessica Anna Kendrick
Mike Newton Michael Welsh
Eric Justin Chon
Angela Christian Serratos
Billy Black Gil Birmingham
Esme Elizabeth Reaser
Laurent Edi Gathegi
Victoria Rachelle Lafevre
Rene Sarah Clarke
Tyler Gregory Tyree Boyce
Waylon Forge Ned Bellamy
Phil Matt Bushell
Mr. Molina Jose Zuniga


This is AMAZING!!!

In the summer of 2004 I snuck up to Forks to check it out; it was the first time I've ever been to any part of Washington. I took my sister Emily with me—she was a really great sport considering that she was seven months pregnant at the time. We flew from Seattle to Port Angeles in a "puddle jumper" (another first for us both) and then rented a car and made the drive down to Forks. I was afraid, as we left Seattle, that I was going to be disappointed. My Forks had become such a real place in my head that I was sure the reality would have some kind of jarring difference. It wouldn't look like the pictures, maybe, or there would be some huge flaw that would make my story impossible in that setting. But as we flew in, low over the densely green hills with the incredible Cascades Mountains touching the clouds to the south, I stopped worrying.
Of course it was raining when we landed. It rained both days that we were in Port Angeles. However, the sun shined the entire time we were in Forks. I'm still not sure if that was a good omen or a bad one. Every local we spoke to commented on our rare luck.
Being in Forks was the most incredible experience. There were a few small differences: the logging presence was much more evident than I'd pictured it—the clear cuts put a bit of a lump in my throat, and the constant, gigantic log haulers barreling down the wet highway made driving a thrilling adventure—and it was sunny, as I've mentioned. Otherwise, it was eerily similar to my imaginings. Walking down Main Street, shopping at the Thriftway (I still have that receipt!), driving up side streets until we found a house that could have been Charlie's, and then turning the car around only to find a beat-up, once-red, early-fifties Chevy truck parked across the road… The word surreal gets overused a lot, but this really was like walking around inside of a dream. We spent half a day at La Push, and that was even more uncanny. Unlike Forks, there were no differences between my imaginary La Push and the real thing. I spent the morning expecting every minute that we would turn a corner and run into Jacob Black.
We had to leave much too soon. I have vowed to return and take my entire family with me (my boys are going to love that beach! (I have a glass jar full of the rainbow colored rocks I collected at First Beach sitting on top of my computer desk as talismans against writer's block.)). Next time, I hope it rains.

-Stephenie Meyer

I love this. It really helps me to think that Edward and those characters could be real. It also was funny to hear about her adventure and the things that she saw that are now part of her book. Like Bella's car...and Charlie's house. Truely inspiring!
EC for eternity!


More set pics!!!

How sweet!!!
Aww! What a gentlemen!
Kristen going to set!
Look how adorable!!!

This is a new scene they just filmed!!! SCHOOL BUS!!!

This is Robert and Kristen doing an interview for MTV that will be released sometime during the week of April 7th.
James and Edward!!!

This is Robert and Kristen's doubles. I think it will be used as a running scene. **notice she's on his back! :)

Charlie's house!

All things Jacob!

Taylor Lautner
Sexy Taylor Lautner
taylor lautner
taylor lautner
taylor lautner
jacob fleas
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
Jacob Black
I hate jacob black



All things Edward!

this is AMAZING!!!

edward cullen
edward cullen
Edward Cullen!
edward cullen
edward cullen
edward cullen icon
edward cullen
edward cullen
edward Cullen
Edward cullen

EC for eternity!



I love these pictures!!!

Edward Cullen

edward cullen

Robert Pattinson

Twilight Movie (Edward&Bella)

Robert Pattinson!!


EC for eternity!!!
